Thursday, July 3, 2014


July 4, 2014 at 1:02am

I get ready for this very special day of July 4th, closed my eyes, speaking through my inner man with my BEST HERO, BEST LORD,  MY BEST J_C. thanking HIM for I know that this life i have till this very day is nothing but only by HIS GRACE, LOVE, MERCY, and BLESS.

I forced my brain to track my life journey back, imagine what did i look like when i was a little baby. somehow what i saw in my imagination was a beautiful, strong, steadfast, forgiving woman.

all of a sudden i stop my brain from its journey of imagination, i opened my eyes taking my phone and text this woman: THANK YOU MAMA FOR STILL TAKING CARE OF ME SINCE I WAS IN YOUR WOMB TILL THIS PRESENT, I LOVE YOU AS ALWAYS. thank you LORD for I'm having angels around me. thank you everyone for your love and support. ^_^